Posts tagged Mom Advice
A tri- to try all about pumpkins

Friday, Friday!! Three cheers for Friday. Are you ready to celebrate the weekend? Let's go out and meet some new folks (or hop over to their blogs) today on New Friends Day. Tomorrow we're getting our Hallmark on and letting all those we love know how much they mean to us on Sweetest Day. Sunday is National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day, and today we're honoring my love for pumpkin with all the great ideas on a Tri- to Try!!



This is so good, my friends. So good. When Melissa of Lulu the Baker posted this recipe for Pumpkin Crumble, I knew that I would become an instant fan of such goodness. The photos alone had me.

I also loved hearing just how much her husband loves this special treat made just for him. :)


Jessica from Sunny Side Up has it all going on with this incredible recipe for Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Bread. Ripping off this sugary sweet goodness would be a fabulous way to spend the weekend, don't you think? The recipe involves all sorts of fall favorite ingredients (yum for rum), and I'm pretty sure any guest would remember this scrumptious dessert and hope to be invited back for more!


Gina from Desperately Seeking Gina invited me over to her Month of Pumpkin. She's had mouth-watering pumpkin recipes day after day. I added in these silly, simple balls of pumpkin.

You need no great crafting skills, just some orange yarn, a pipe cleaner, and some black paper to make a whole bunch of little pumpkins. Hop over and see the process. I think these would be fun filled in clear glass jars on your Halloween table or set out as placecard additions.

I'm working on a fun treat for a great friend and blogger that I'm excited to show you next week!! We'll be working on the house inside and out this weekend and hosting some family, too. What are you up to?



Grown-Up Goodness: Meet Mentors

I pray about this blog. And in my prayers, I pray that this space might be one that is helpful to my family, my readers, and to me. I had no concrete reason for beginning this effort (no causes to push, no major life event or home remodel, no new adventure), but I did feel (forgive the slightly cheesy nature here) called to live a more creative, fuller life through this way of sharing with the world. And, I believe that God works often in the people that He places in our lives.

So, when this summer began, and I crafted my own list of summer experiences, I had a vague category pertaining to blogging and creativity. I knew that I wanted to grow more, learn more, and challenge myself more. I did not know that lovely women like Gabrielle, Jennifer, and Joy would all be so kind to invite me share a bit of their web space to talk about life, creativity, family, and fun. Nor did I realize amazing ladies like Paige and Janae would become real life friends through their writing and support.

Though I'm slightly more introverted than extroverted (just 1 point on the Myers-Briggs scale), I can surprise myself when it comes to meeting new people. Maybe it's my experience of many childhood moves or my desire to make the most of the time I've got on the planet, either way, I love the energy that comes with meeting people I admire. In this case, some great bloggers who so generously offered to sit down with person.

Example #1

This is the talented, enthusiastic Amy Allen Clark. She's kind of a big deal around here - making news appearances, getting her own book deal, and hosting a very informative blog called

When I tweeted her about my status as a new blogger, she replied right back, insisting that we should meet for coffee. *Gulp.

Just to put it in perspective, I looked at her Twitter numbers. At the time she had a little over 11,000, and I had a little over...100.

Nevertheless, I said I would be honored to meet up (because I would be and was). Despite one reschedule for child illness, we made the date.

I learned a ton just hearing about her experiences as a writer, marketer, blogger, and mom. This lady has it all together and knows how to create beautiful projects, delicious food, and find opportunity to match her inspired spirit. I am so excited to read her new book (not yet published), and it feels great to know that I have someone I can call upon for advice and ideas.

Example #2

This is the smart, creative Melanie. She's a writer, designer, blogger over at Inward Facing Girl. I first heard about her in a class I was taking where she was described as "a writer who can really talk about anything in an interesting way." So true, check her out.

She was so kind to meet up with on her vacation. Really, who's that sweet? My fam had a few hours at the beach as I stole away for smoothies and coffee. I've been a creative professional for 13 years now, and I have never been so happily overwhelmed by the creative generosity I've experienced from other bloggers. Melanie was so warm and had a ton of great (unsolicited) ideas for ways I could grow my blog and connect to other fabulous people.


I share these stories with you, reader friends, because 1. I think you should go hang out on these ladies' blogs and give them some comment love and 2. I know that you have people you admire/follow, people you'd love to learn from (or just hang out with), and I'm telling you to go for it. Stick your neck out there and meet them. Like, in real life. And try to not to sweat your outfit too much like I did. Both times.

I'm most grateful to God for placing these new friends into my life and for the gifts they've so freely shared. I'll continue to pray that my blogging brings goodness to those who inspire it and those who read it. And I'll be grateful for the companions along the journey, too.

Who are you hoping you'll meet?



Summer hit lists

Have you seen these floating around the interwebs, friends? Great big, beautiful lists of simple, fun, wonderful summer activities that make you wish you were seven again.

Well, maybe this summer we will be. My fam has joined in the fun, too. In the past, we've made our lists over dinner conversations as the school year waned to a close. This year we again had such conversations and now we're writing them down and posting them pretty for all to see.

My job commitments grow more extensive in the summer so I have to be sure to keep these kinds of lists front and center so that I and the rest of the happy inhabitants in our home can have a carefree summer.
So cheers (imagine me and you holding up our virtual Slurpees right now, only I really am holding my medium watermelon kiwi right now) to a great 10 weeks. Here are some easy, breezy summer lists you should check out:

100 Things to Do this Summer and
100 More Things to Do This Summer from Honest to Nod

101 Things to Do this Summer from Toy to the World

10 Things Every Child Should Experience in the Summer from 52 Brand New

40 Free (or nearly free) Things to Do this Summer from The Centsible Life

Let's Play from Lasso the Moon

30 Summer Activities for Kids from Lil' Luna

Join Camp Classic Play over at

441 Things to Do This Summer from We are that Family

(This one keeps growing) The 100 Days of Summer and The 100 Days of Summer ('12) from Mom Advice

And you just have to read this inspired post over at Hands Free Mama.

Here's our list. Please feel welcome to pin or download and make it your own great summer list.

 I have my own summer list that I'll share with you next week as we move into the Summer Edition of Pars Caeli.

Ah, we're summer lovin'.

Have a great weekend, friends. We'll be kicking it at home, knocking off some of these moments like hanging out by the pool and tie dying summer shirts.

See you back here on Monday! Thanks for a great's so lovely to have you over.


PS. If you enjoy a good photo party, follow me and many others by using the hashtag #instacamp (Chookooloonks offers a new prompt each Monday) and #100summerdays (run through It's super fun to see all the great summertimes captured on Instagram and shared through Twitter.

PPS. I made the above image (with the Slurpee) in Phonto. It's a quirky photo app with tons of great fonts that you can add to your images. Check it out.

Okay, I'm done now. :)