Hi friends. What a week, huh? Phew. I have some treasures to share with you that I think you'll be pinning, bookmarking, and digging for months to come... classics, if you will.
But before we go to those goodies, how about we break out the celebrations, huh? Today is All Souls Day or the Day of the Dead. Let's offer some prayers and party dances for those who have left this world before us! Tomorrow is National Sandwich Day and we'll be chowing down on a Pars Caeli staple, peanut butter and jelly. I'll take mine with raisins on it, please. Sunday, hows about you and I soak up the joy that is November as National Sleep Comfort Month, and hit that snooze button one more time?

You all know I've been loving the saturated hues of the fall leaves! I make daily trips to the backyard and around the neighborhood to gather the most amazing colors I can find. Unfortunately, you also know how the story goes when these leaves spend 24 hours inside... crunchy, brown mess. Somewhere in the way back of my head, I knew there was a way to preserve the colors and eliminate the mess. Sheri over at Donuts, Dresses, and Dirt has done it again and brought us the gift of everlasting autumn!! She got the original from Martha, of course, but simplified it and beautified it for you and me.
So your daughter or your nephew or your next door neighbor is troubled. Maybe it's a friend who's moving away or perhaps parents are separating. Maybe a pet has died or a loved one has passed? Tough situations find their way into our lives usually when we're not ready for them...or ready to articulate and explain them to our kiddos. This amazing list of children's books is a great resource for parents, teachers, and adults. Alison over at No Time for Flashcards has a whole host of other beauties you're going to want to review! Check out the comments section, too, for incredible adoption reads.
Have you done it yet? Moved over to the red lipstick camp? I'd always been a bit scared of the boldness (particularly for those of us with thin lips). However, I've recently taken the leap (I'm not going back) and now own two bright red hues. I loved this post from Camille Styles this week with all the nitty gritty details on how to wear red lips well. If you're the least bit nervous about it, or if you need a reference to return to...this is the one!
That's it from here, lovelies. Let's have a bright weekend.