Posts tagged kids crafts
Great Finds: Happy Handmade
Happy Handmade is a fantastic resource for any rainy/summer/snow day crafting with your children with 115 pages of fun projects made from materials you already have!

Happy Handmade is a fantastic resource for any rainy/summer/snow day crafting with your children with 115 pages of fun projects made from materials you already have!

Are you looking ahead to summer activities? What will the kids be up to this summer? I am busily planning away, both for my own spirit as well as the necessary planning for my kids' camp and other adventures. It's right about this time of year that we begin as a family talking about what each persons wants to do over the summer.

In the minds of a 10-, 7-, and 5-year old, summer can still feel very distant. Last year I created this printable as a conversation starter. We're a pleasant mix of introverts and extroverts so I wanted everyone to have some time to think in their own time about the weeks of possibility ahead.

Use this free printable to find out just what your kids WANT to do this summer. A great tool for a happy summer for all.

Use this free printable to find out just what your kids WANT to do this summer. A great tool for a happy summer for all.

As part of our Mommy and Daddy school every summer I'm really looking into diving head first into a new book from one of my favorite creative moms, Michelle of MollyMoo Crafts. A quick digital download with 115 pages of projects that are easy enough for me to love, and original enough for all my children to get excited.

Happy Handmade is a MollyMoo book, in collaboration with 17 international crafting moms. It is packed with happy and imaginative crafts. My very favorite aspect of all MollyMoo projects is that they cost next to nothing because they are made from recycled materials, cardboard or scraps of fabric and wool. I don't have to search craft and specialty stores to find exactly what I need; supplies are readily found in a busy household.

You can explore all these areas with beautiful photographic tutorials alongside:

  • Recycled Crafts
  • Paper and Cardboard Crafts
  • Felt and Sewing Projects
  • Handmade Toys
  • Pom Pom Crafts
  • Nature Crafts

I'm planning on making this awesome rocket with my little guy. I have a feeling he'll want to create his own fleet of spaceships once we get started.

Happy Handmade is a great resource to have around for any time! Download your copy of Happy Handmade here today!

Tell me, where do you turn when you're looking for productive and imaginative activities for your children?

xoxo, MJ

Snow Day Essentials with Kids

When the Weather Channel starts the warnings and extended coverage of the next big snowstorm heading our way, I avoid the grocery store. Meh, we might not have enough milk or eggs to get us through. BUT, what we will have is entertainment.

With three children under the age of 10, I try to keep our creativity cabinet(s), closets, and shelves - yes, we have a lot crafting supplies - ready to go.

Don't be caught unprepared on a snow day! Here are 8 items to keep stocked so that the small set is entertained all day long.

Don't be caught unprepared on a snow day! Here are 8 items to keep stocked so that the small set is entertained all day long.

While I have nothing against TV or movie watching, snow days, at least in Indiana, are rare enough that they need to be savored and treated with extra special care.

Do you remember your childhood snow days? Whether they were spent outside in the white, fluffy hills or pretending indoors, there's something magical to the one-of-a-kind snow day. {Side note: I do not mean to discriminate and say that only snow days are special. When living and teaching in South Carolina, we experienced hurricane days, and those were memorable - in a different way!}.

For a spattering of independent time and a mix of togetherness, here's what we have:

Snow day fun encapsulated in crafts, imaginary play, and some good old-fashioned games! Make it special for everyone AND keep your sanity.

Snow day fun encapsulated in crafts, imaginary play, and some good old-fashioned games! Make it special for everyone AND keep your sanity.

Imaginary play

Snow days are amazing for the surprise as well as the great expanse of free time! Take advantage of the time to go big on pretend play. Build the forts and pull out all the train tracks. Your children will be entertained in their own creations for hours with no worry of needing to clean up any time soon. Also, adults, go ahead and jump in the fun and pretend you're the Big Bad Wolf or Nemo in the ocean. Your children will forever remember your smiles, laughter, and silly accents.


Sometimes adults have to get some things done during snow days, too! Have simple games at hand. We love ones like UNO and Spot It that work well for all three kids and cause few sibling arguments (bonus all around). Also, two-person games are right up our alley right now so that two people can be engaged and not "need" the third to enjoy the game.


As my children grow, I see them gravitating to projects and final creations. Time that they once spent endlessly in process with playdough or sand, they now focus on getting something accomplished. This is natural to maturation I suppose, but snow days are the right time to abandon the usuals and bust out a homemade playdough recipe or warm up the modeling clay. I find it completely relaxing, too, spending time feeling the textures and making/remaking creations with no real end goal.


During long expanses of time together, we burn through a lot of projects so keeping the supplies stocked is not always so easy. We always have a mound of construction paper and white paper as well as scissors with different blades and different sizes for every little hand. Perler beads and other small craft projects are right in our family room, easily accessible for anytime crafting. Also, we have a stash of cardboard tubes from paper towel and packaging supplies on hand just in case someone might need to create a magic wand, a scary scepter, or an impromptu bowling game.

MAKE a special treat

The Snoopy Snowcone Maker? The Easy Bake Oven? Snow days afford the perfect opportunity to break them out . . . or the beloved cookie recipe. The divine smell of brownies baking as everyone takes some individual time to read makes the whole house cozy.

What are the essentials for a great snow day at your house? I'm always looking for a new trick to stuff up my sleeve.

xoxo, MJ

Shell Memories: Endless Summer Projects

This post is sponsored by Bing.

Endless Summer Projects returns this week with the perfect way to combine travel and nature. Ali has crafted these adorable shells that capture their summer adventures. They are a sweet way to relive a wonderful experience, and I think they'd make a great conversation starter when put out during dinner parties, too.

We took the family to the ocean for the first time this summer, and the experience of the ocean's tide was a beautiful discovery for my children. Seeing the constant movement and listening to the well as experiencing all the fresh leftovers the waves reveal...shiny bits of shells, running crabs, bubbles upon bubbles.


Now we have a new way to savor the memories within our shells!

Don't forget to catch up on all of the Endless Summer Project posts:

Firework Tablecloth: Endless Summer Projects

Let's make a firework tablecloth with the kids today to celebrate the Fourth!

These are a ton of messy fun! And I love the final result for a tablescape that shows off the joy that comes with the summer celebration of the Fourth of July. Alexandra has all of the details for today's Endless Summer Project! What are you up to for the holiday weekend?

In case you've missed any projects thus far:

Join us next week for an awesome project that you and your children will love!

xoxo, MJ