Posts tagged school lunches
Lunchbox Notes

Eight or more hours away from home and at school can sometimes feel like eternity. A sweet note in your child's lunchbox can be a simple reminder that you're thinking of them. A silly joke can say have fun, relax, and laugh! I have an easy way for you to add extra love through #PC_lunchboxnotes.


Here's a simple way for you to be the cool mom or dad you always want to be (and give yourself a few chuckles in the process). Almost every weekday, I post jokes for you to copy (in your own handwriting) - even with a suggested doodle - and place it inside your child's lunch.

Look, parenting is hard enough. We've got to stick together. And I'm already making these so why not follow along and use what you like?

I've posted on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter my daily lunchbox notes to my children over the last year and a half. There's a whole 180 days (plus a few extra) out there for you to grab!

Over the year, as I've posted my ridiculous jokes and silly doodles, I've heard from a number of moms who would tell me that they stole my joke for their child's lunch that day.


And to that I say, "Steal more!" My hope in taking pictures of these notes is to make life a bit easier (and sillier) for all of us parents out there completing the rather mundane task of preparing a meal while thinking of our kids and wishing them laughter in their day.

Some parents have pulled up this hashtag #PC_lunchboxnotes during road trips. Others have pulled them out while waiting in the doctor's office. My own children now want me to post videos of them telling these jokes, as they practice their own social and relational techniques through humor.

Also, it should be noted that these jokes are not limited to children. Your spouse, your love, your mailman or neighbor might enjoy a corny riddle, too, so share the love and regram, retweet, and retell to your heart's desire!


Just follow along with Pars Caeli on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook. I post two different jokes every week day so follow all of these for maximum possibilities!

If you're looking for another easy way to send a laugh here are 180 printable lunchbox notes from 320 Sycamore. I'm particularly smitten with her selection of knock knocks. And check out these Instagram notes that Camille featured. How cool would these be to receive?

Happy start of the school year, friends! There's no other time quite so energetic and hope-filled as this time of year for me. Sending some of that hope your way...

xoxo, MJ

Happy Kiddos: Carrying love

Did you check out the new seasonal digs around here? Make yourself at home in the refreshed autumn makeover (and if you haven't had a chance to make your bucket list for fall, let me offer a few ideas).

Wednesdays around Pars Caeli will continue to be kid focused. During the summer I shared some of the fun we have with Mommy & Daddy School. But now, we're a full three weeks into the start of the school year, and I'm feeling a little melancholy about the end of another childhood summer.

This is the second full week of preschool, Kindergarten, and 2nd grade for our team, and so far everything is running smoothly.

For the first time in almost 8 years, our home is silent for two mornings a week, as even my youngest heads to morning preschool, and my hubby and I adjust our work schedules to accommodate more meeting time in the office.

It's the end of an era when we as a couple handled all childcare, homecare, and professional juggles together. As I look back now, I wonder how we managed to work from home and the office and to change diapers and adjust sleep schedules. A large part of me already misses the chaos, strange though it was; I thrive on it. I know that we have been richly blessed to be able to have time with our children and time in our professional worlds, and it has not come without certain (sleep) sacrifices...I have the wrinkles to prove it.

However, new beautiful buds are growing. And I celebrate those, too. My husband surprised me at work with a morning coffee date last week. That NEVER happens. On a typical morning, we are usually trying to maximize and squeeze every possible minute out of one role (be it work or home) before we have to transition to the other.

And for another, M, my 7 year old, is most at home when she's at school. That seems weird to even type, but I know it to be true. She loves learning and independence. She thrives on routine and structure. She wants the challenge and adores her friends. She's back in her rhythm.

C at 5 is finding new courage and new friends in her full-time school journey. L at 2 in his first time in a school environment is so proud of himself and his buddies.

My need now is to let them know that they are each on my mind even when we are apart. I know they know, but I still need to some way to show that.

One gesture I've started is a lunch box note routine, especially with M. She gets a joke a day that she can share with her friends as they munge on their bagels and pizza slices. So far it's a hit. If you're into ridiculous, simple humor, follow me on Instagram or Twitter (@parscaeli) and I'll be sharing the chuckles for you (and your children) with the hashtag #lunchboxnotes. If you have a corny joke, send it my way...please!


A tri- to try with some DIY

Happy Friday! I'm ready for a productive weekend. It's our last one before school begins! We have so much to celebrate.

Raise your glasses tonight for us, will you? We're celebrating our 10-year wedding anniversary today. A special loving shout out to the man behind Pars Caeli. Without him, none of this is possible...the love, the hope, the support, and the faith that we have shared. He has diminished the ugliness and amplified the beauty of life for these last ten married years. I love you always. Always, dear.

On Saturday we celebrate Sisters Day. This date was chosen by my daughters who felt like Mommy and Daddy were getting all the attention this time of year. And, so, one day after our anniversary, we party with the sisters in the house. Grab a bag of popcorn, we're in for some braiding, crafting, and giggling.

Spend some time on Sunday dreaming of your next flight of fancy as we live it up for National Aviation Day. Where are you headed next?

Special welcomes to those of you hopping over from Laid Off Mom's great DIY date this month. Louise challenged us with beads. If you haven't visited her site to check out all of the amazing creations, run, run, run! I got carried away with wood beads, and inspired by J Crew's bubble necklace, I made the top necklace. It's just some knots, cords, and chunky beads. I also made the bracelet (that I've also worn as a necklace) for a little neutral drama (those two things can go together, right?).


In the spirit of DIY, I have found three easy, dramatically wonderful projects for you to accomplish (start to finish) in one sitting!


Jordan over at Oh Happy Day made some charming printed brown paper bags that make me think happy thoughts for the first days of school and great goodie bags. You can do this simple process (she takes you through how to do this with your own printer) with some impactful results.

And if you're looking for great school lunch ideas, check out the creative ideas that Jen has over at Classic Play. Easy ways to make the most out of the noontime meal.


Jessica creates the most unbelievable paper projects. I admire each and every one of them. Many I could not do. This one, my friends, I am making. I think it'll go in the playroom. If you send me the paper, I'll make one for you, too. Imagine this in a shade of one color (a la ombre goodness). Gorgeous!! Start to finish time? 10 minutes...maybe.

Let's make one of those paper balls in the photo, too, okay?


My hair is really long right now. Like middle of my back long. I wear it up 98% of the time, and I'm always looking for cute (easy) ways to style it. Joanna Goddard finds the best of most things, and hair styles are no exception. Here's a simple twisted ponytail that looks and is super simple. This pony adds a little something extra to the classic silhouette.

Have a bright weekend, friends. Will you be DIYing anything?


PS. I'm also over at Bring Joy today. See you over at Janae's gorgeous site.